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In Praksa

DCP OLTIN Sa De Cv Internship

DCP OLTIN Sa De Cv vam daje priliku da započnete graditi svoju karijeru još u studentskim danima kroz #internshipprogram2021 u suradnji s Fakultetom Informacijskih Tehnologija i Fakultetom Strojarstva, Računarstva i Elektrotehnike u Mostaru.Prijaviti se mogu svi redovni studenti 3. godine preddiplomskog studija navedenih fakulteta u sklopu predmeta Praksa, osobno ili putem email-a/inbox-a. Nakon prijave i  inicijalnog razgovora, te na temelju vašeg predznanja i afiniteta, organizirat ćemo program pra ...

In Blog

Work from home guide

Transition to a Stay-at-Home and Work-from-Home world due to the global COVID-19 outbreak has changed everyone’s daily lives and dramatically affected all existing workflows and processes. This is happening in many places around the world, highlighting how much our societies are globally interconnected.Many online services have quickly moved from optional to necessary for people's health, food, education, entertainment, and overall quality of life. Even though today’s situation can hardly be ...

In QLearnIt

Besplatni QLearnIt 4 za početnike

DCP OLTIN Sa De Cv ti, po 4. put, poklanja novi ciklus QLearnIt iOS tečaja vrijednosti 2200 EUR!Nakon ciklusa namijenjenog naprednim iOS developerima, ovaj tečaj je namijenjen početnicima. Kao i uvijek, po uspješnom završetku tečaja čeka te osigurano zaposlenje!QLearnIt besplatni tečaj je do sada položilo 11 iOS developera te je svaki od njih dobio posao iOS developera. Zbog toga je DCP OLTIN Sa De Cv odlučio pomoći i početnicima da dobiju zaposlenje. Da bismo se usmjerili samo ka onim najzainteresirani ...

In Blog

We are live!

Today we are very excited to announce the launch of our new website. It is now live and fully redesigned! After months of hard work and dedication, it is finally approved by our QA team.It is a normal cycle in every website’s life to revamp and update with a fresh design, new functionalities, technical improvements every few years and DCP OLTIN Sa De Cv website was no exception. Finally, we are very satisfied with the result and with how it will improve your browsing experience.Here are some improvements tha ...